While the international situation is at the edge of the
precipice with North Korea that claims the bomb and nuclear powers, a recent documentary
takes on the state of nuclear weapons in France and around the world.
The documentary THE BOMB AND US was three years in the making
with interviews made with militaries, scientists, historians, activists and politicians.
Its director Xavier-Marie Bonnot explained that with its producer Jean-Claude
Bauduret, they both chose to go beyond the ready-made thoughts of those who are
for the disarmament to envisage solutions.
Thus, nuclear-friendly generals are questioned. Hubert
Védrine, also, the indefatigable commentator of the Mitterrand years, guardian
of the temple. General Forget stigmatizes the French population who is unaware
of the responsibility that weighs on the shoulders of the President of the
Republic. One does not even wonder if the President has the moral strength to
face such a situation. The documentary recalls that Giscard d’Estaing
acknowledged that he would not have had the moral strength to press the button.
General Coppel, who is the first pilot to drop a tactical
nuclear bomb from a Mirage IV (in 1973 in Mururoa), is indignant that
politicians are not interested in such a subject. He admits that Hiroshima
could have been avoided and that the bombing three days later of Nagasaki is
” scandalous “. He thinks the Americans could have blown up their new
bomb in Tokyo Bay (!), Promising the Japanese that the next shot would be on a
city in Japan a fortnight later if they did not surrender. Result: 200,000
deaths, the double in the five years that followed (the duration of plutonium
radioactivity, used in Nagasaki, is 6600 years).
According to current statistics: Russia has 7290 nuclear
warheads, the United States 7000, France 300, China 260, the United Kingdom
215, Pakistan 110, India 100, Israel 80, North Korea less than 10.
The documentary explains that a nuclear disaster could be
triggered following a crazy act, but also an accident, a wrong maneuver, a bad
interpretation. Thus, a Russian satellite assimilated the trace of a single ray
of sunshine to an American nuclear shoot: it was a hair’s breadth that Russia
retaliated. In 2013 alone, 153 incidents occurred. We may remember the crash of
a bomber crashing on the ground with his nuclear bombs in Palomares, Spain in January
1967, which fortunately did not explode.
It is claimed that this is only deterrence. Not only the
states that do not have nuclear weapons invoke this principle to claim it (this
is the case of North Korea, precisely, which like France says that ” it guarantees
its independence “) but France, for example, has what it takes to scratch
an area equivalent to its own surface! Today, a single missile can do 80 times
more deaths than Hiroshima, and only one submarine can destroy Hiroshima 1000
times! And the deaths are not caused by explosions alone: ​​the tests are also
deadly. A doctor describes the risks: leukemias, thyroid cancers, but also
cardiovascular diseases. French soldiers died because they had attended tests
in Algeria, nearby, without knowing the dangers. The population could also be
contaminated. The populations of Polynesia have suffered, according to the
studies of Bruno Barrillot presented in the documentary. There are an estimated
1.5 million victims in Kazakhstan, in the Semipalatinsk region, where 456
Soviet tests were carried out (very high prevalence of cancer, birth defects,
mental retardation). In China, estimates speak of 190,000 deaths.

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Sherif M. Awad
Sherif M. Awad
Articles: 426