Articles by Sherif M. Awad: Film Critic-Since 1990

The Deadly Dream (1971): A Classic TV Movie Where Dream and Reality Switch Places

The Deadly Dream (1971): A Gripping Premise I was born in 1971, the same year “The Deadly Dream” first aired, and I vividly remember watching it on Egyptian TV during those lazy afternoons...

The Rise of Graphic Violence in Modern Horror Films

Why Have Horror Films Become So Bloody and Graphic? As a self-proclaimed horror aficionado, I’ve always been fascinated by the genre’s ability to push boundaries and challenge our...

Exploring Marlon Brando’s Extraordinary Life and Legacy in “Waltzing with Brando”

The highly anticipated biopic “Waltzing with Brando” is set to bring the extraordinary life and legacy of legendary actor Marlon Brando to the big screen. Starring the talented Billy Zane...

Dark Matter: From Book to TV Series – A Comprehensive Guide

Dark Matter: From Book to TV Series – A Comprehensive Guide Introduction to Dark Matter Dark Matter has captivated audiences as both a book and a TV series. Whether you’re a long-time fan...

Extraterrestrial Life: New Theories from Harvard and Montana Tech

Extraterrestrial Life: New Theories from Harvard and Montana Tech Extraterrestrial Life: New Theories from Harvard and Montana Tech 🌌👽 Unveiling the Unseen: Are Aliens Among Us?...

Monoliths Where Reality Meets Sci-Fi

Monoliths: Where Reality Meets Sci-Fi Picture this: a moonlit desert, the air thick with mystery. You’re stumbling upon something that shouldn’t exist—something straight out of a Kubrick...
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