Duets: Mocha & The Flame

by Sherif Awad

Mocha & The Flame

-My love of art/music and entertainment began as a child. I was captivated by watching shows like “Solid Gold” and falling in love with the production. I have loved the art of writing since I was about 10. I began writing stories and reading everything I could find that was geared toward young women. “Anne of Green Gables”-was always a favorite. I come from a very entertainment driven family. My father was a preacher and hosted his own radio broadcast. My grandmother wrote poetry and my sister and I always loved to do our own theatre interpretations. Out of a love of music and writing, I spent over a decade writing, performing and entertaining in Nashville, TN. I really wanted to make a difference in the entertainment industry and I was able to do a lot of that along with my sister as we were a duo for several years. 
-My first role model was in fact-my father. He was so charismatic in bringing across his teachings. He was very passionate and that was conveyed in everything he did in life. 
Cinema influences-Martin Scorsese, James Cameron and his spouse; Female Director Kathryn Ann Bigelow. I have many. As far as TV goes-I would have to say J.J. Abrams and Ken Olin. The way they were able to bring Jennifer Garner’s character to life in the series of “Alias” was incredible. It was great to see strong women at the forefront of that series. Also, “This Is US”-what an incredible way to deliver life on screen in an episodic way. That show is captivating to say the least. My teen years were influenced by many. I was always looking for a way to ‘create’ life. I am still that woman today.
-I decided after being in front of the camera with Music and Performance in Nashville and such for so many years, that I wanted to go to school and learn more about the Reduction side. I have a Degree in Broadcast Communications for TV/Film and Radio. I have really taken what I have learned from both sides of the camera and been able to create some pretty amazing things. I currently have an Original Supernatural Dramatic Series in Post at the moment- “LA-Laurie Parrish”. It will be released for preview and teaser trailer in the upcoming months. I had the pleasure of writing, directing and producing the pilot and writing the soundtrack with my partner in life and business-Brad Smith. This is a story that takes place in a small community; Parrish-on the outside of the Louisiana border. This story is relevant in many ways for young women. This is a suspenseful and entertaining episodic series that combines the ominous overtones of Nancy Drew and the secrets buried from that of Pretty Little Liars. The show is full of family, love and the supernatural world that lies in between the ‘Veil of Shadows’. I filmed it in a small east Texas town in a home and on the grounds of a historical landmark that holds many secrets behind its walls. The elements of the story fit perfectly with the overall tone of the town. I am excited about what is to come next. The audience will be on the edge of their seats awaiting the next episode. Brad and I are so excited to present it to the world:-). Brad and I also have a Music Publishing Company- Mocha and The Flame- that is our Duo name as well. Most people recognize us for our Spotify release of “Cryin’ Lovin’ or Leavin'”. We are constantly in the studio writing more music and sharing it with the world as “MOCHA AND THE FLAME”- we do a lot together in business and in relationships. 
-My first TV series to be put into production is “Cypress Bayou” which I wrote, co-created and starred in alongside my sister. I had the pleasure of having a female director from Hollywood; Ms. Finola Hughes fly to Texas to be a part of it. The script was one to fall in love with. As with my current production, I had the opportunity to co-write 3 songs on the soundtrack and produce the content as well. I am looking forward to what will be next on the horizon.
-I believe that the satisfaction comes from the ability to create and express yourself. If by chance stardom comes, then so be it. I write content that is Original, Relevant and Creative based on what I like. Fantasy or Reality, you should feel a sense of pride in achieving all of the goals that you succeed at. Brad and I have any projects that we are working on currently and hope to have our next project out next year. “Want Love”-is a story about Getting the LOVE you want out of life by being able to balance boundaries and relationships with love. There is a definite need for a movie like this in today’s society. We are looking forward to bringing that to life ASAP.
-I believe that challenges are always present in life. I have found that being a female in the entertainment industry is sometimes harder than what others may expect. My parents taught me that there is nothing that I can’t overcome given my faith and perseverance. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my name will continue to be recognized in the industry for years to come. I am not willing to take no for an answer or allow diversity to seal my fate in a negative way. I will continue to write, produce and direct until I no longer share this world. I am blessed in many ways and so thankful and grateful for the strength that I have in myself, my gifts and in my partner. I know that I will have left a mark in this world at some point. Until then, I will continue to knock on doors and know that more will open in time. 
-I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and we all have our own perception and views on the industry. All I will say is that I look forward to many more opportunities for women in film and being able to put more content out for all to share. My beliefs and opinions are my own. I do believe that we should encourage each other and lift one another up in our creativity and be humble about the little things that keep us grounded and focused in life. Being in the industry is a challenge for everyone, but staying focused is the best way to work around any negatives that may come your way. Surrounding yourself with good people is a great way to start. 
-I have been blessed to have had the opportunities afforded to me. Mostly, I am a creative individual on my own, but having a partner who is such an incredible talent is basically the icing on the cake for me. We have something special and amazing together and that comes across in the content we write and produce; especially in music.
-You definitely have to understand the difference between private and professional. I have found a good balance between the two because I try not to let one override the other. I have a wonderful man in my life that balances me out in a lot of ways, but we are both very creative so we have an understanding for balance in love and profession. 
-I currently have an Original Supernatural Dramatic Series in Post at the moment- “LA-Laurie Parrish”. It will be released for preview and teaser trailer in the upcoming months. I had the pleasure of writing, directing and producing the pilot and writing the soundtrack with my partner in life and business-Brad Smith. This is a story that takes place in a small community; Parrish-on the outside of the Louisiana border. This story is relevant in many ways for young women. This is a suspenseful and entertaining episodic series that combines the ominous overtones of Nancy Drew and the secrets buried from that of Pretty Little Liars. The show is full of family, love and the supernatural world that lies in between the ‘Veil of Shadows’. I filmed it in a small east Texas town in a home and on the grounds of a historical landmark that holds many secrets behind its walls. The elements of the story fit perfectly with the overall tone of the town. I am excited about what is to come next. The audience will be on the edge of their seats awaiting the next episode. Brad and I are so excited to present it to the world:-). Brad and I also have a Music Publishing Company- Mocha and The Flame- that is our Duo name as well. Most people recognize us for our Spotify release of “Cryin’ Lovin’ or Leavin'”. We are constantly in the studio writing more music and sharing it with the world as “MOCHA AND THE FLAME”- we do a lot together in business and in relationships.
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Sherif M. Awad
Sherif M. Awad
Articles: 419